Monday, October 15, 2012

Rainbow Baby (first maternity session for Stay Gold)

Rainbow Baby.......

I hadn't heard of the term Rainbow Baby until I met Amanda and her beautiful family.  It is a term used for a baby who arrives after one has been lost.  Amanda shared her heartbreaking loss of her son with me and I thought for days of how best to help honour her son and the new arrival at this session.  I didn't want to go with the traditional (and over-done) heart-shaped fingers over belly routine, and since it was my first session - and an outdoor one - I wanted to make it a beautiful one with lots of golden light.  Fortunately, the weather was beautiful that evening and as the sun was setting, we did our rainbow baby session.   I feel so honoured to have been apart of this wonderful family's life in this way and can't wait to hear of rainbow baby's arrival in November.

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